Reviewed 7/2024
The Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes’ (ASPSA) budget is funded by the Department of Athletics, managed by the Assistant Provost/Director of the ASPSA, and annually co-approved by the Provost and the Athletic Director.
The Student-Athlete Academic Initiative Working Group identified and compiled recommendations from reports over the past several years and linked each report recommendation to 21 academic processes. Report Recommendations for Budgeting
14.0 Budgeting for the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes
UNC’s Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes (ASPSA) strives to provide excellent academic support for student-athletes in a financially responsible manner.
The ASPSA moved to the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost in 2013. The Assistant Provost/Director of the ASPSA reports directly to the Provost. The Assistant Provost/Director makes all programming, operational and human resource decisions for the ASPSA.
The Department of Athletics provides all funding for the ASPSA’s programming, human resources and administrative budget lines (approximately $2,500,000/year in 2023-24).
The annual ASPSA budget requires joint approval by the Provost and the Athletics Director (AD) or his designee. Upon approval, funds budgeted to the ASPSA are transferred each semester and remain with the ASPSA and are not absorbed back into Athletics.
Since 2013-14, the Department of Athletics has allocated monies from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Student Assistance Fund as available to provide additional tutoring resources for student-athletes. Expenditures may also come from the Provost’s Office as needed.